Friday, June 10, 2011


I spoke with Roger Forrester last week about being grand-fathered into SCSEP and he said he would look into that but was non-committal.  I asked him if he had a meeting with HR at the U of A and he said he put in a call to the person Leslie Porter delegated the task to but had not gotten a return call and he wouldn't do so now because SCSEP funds have been cut.

This week, I called up Joel Miller and asked him if the the 30-day exit procedure was a rule. He said no but apparently changed his mind (see copy of Riecken below).

This week, I finally got an interview with Michelle at the Primavera Men's Shelter and she is eager to have me start.
I sent Forrester and Riecken an email about this good news:

I spoke with Joel Millman a few days ago and he said there
was no rule about mandatory "exiting" after a placement
doesn't work out.

Even better, the Primavera Men's Shelter wants me to
work for them through SCSEP!!!
This is Riecken's reply:

Joel spoke with me on Wednesday and confirmed that he explained to you that there was a 30 day limit to the leave of absence last fall, as I had implemented.

Regarding your application status, we are beginning to process people into SCSEP. By policy we process those who are considered “high priority” before any other candidates, and I have no idea how long it will be before your file rises to the top of the list as there are many factors to consider.

Regarding Primavera, they, as well as the University of Arizona , are not a Host Agency with Pima Council on Aging’s SCSEP, nor will they be in the foreseeable future.

As Roger Forrester and I discussed with you more than once in the past few months, it is extremely inappropriate for you to represent SCSEP in recruiting Host Agencies or promoting yourself to organizations as a potential candidate. I again advise you to discontinue this activity.

Laura Riecken

Program Manager

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