Monday, May 07, 2007



Reaching out to understand and motivate political action
In todayís political world, few campaigns and candidates can afford to rely exclusively on imprecise, expensive mass communications efforts to impact public issues and deliver voters to the polls.
Direct contact with customers and constituents is imperative.
The telephone has become the prime instrument in determining what people want, motivating action and winning elections. The explosive growth in political teleservices is a reflection of the direct communications revolution.
The Parker Group, Inc. (TPG) is an established leader in public opinion research and advanced political teleservices for individual campaigns, party organizations, trade associations and public interest groups.
We have worked at the local, state, national and international levels on behalf of political parties, political action committees, public interest groups, corporations, public relations companies, polling firms, campaign consultants and hundreds of successful candidates.
TPG was founded with the express intent of creating the best Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) field services capabilities in the market.
Our powerful technological tools and highly trained staff provide a full range of out-bound and inbound teleservices capabilities.
TPG has long experience with political projects including polling, voter contact, grass roots lobbying and data collection. We have a reputation for flexibility, responsiveness to changing campaign needs, high quality and results.

The TPG Philosophy
Do more than is expected.
Do it right.
Treat clients as working partners.
Strategy Driven Services
TPGís polling, issue advocacy and campaign phone bank experience covers a broad range of project types for a varied client base.
Survey Research Services:
Opinion Surveys
Benchmark, Tracking and Time Series Polls
Data Collection
Cross Tabulation and Data Mapping.
Voter Contact Services:
Voter Identification, Persuasion and Mobilization
Database Management & Maintenance
List Procurement
Get Out the Vote
Automated Voice Messaging
Advocacy Services:
Grass Roots Lobbying
Persuasion Contacts
Recruitment and Mobilization
Patch Through Calls