Tuesday, February 10, 2009


and this is only one of the many reasons why:
WHO GETS WHAT: Stimulus to pad pockets of jobless
Feb 10 01:09 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - More jobless workers would get fatter unemployment checks longer in the massive economic recovery package moving forward in Congress.
Helping the nation's jobless has not been a controversial part of the stimulus package. Both the House and Senate versions offer an extra $25 a week in jobless benefits to millions of workers through the end of the year. The current average weekly benefit is roughly $300.

It also would keep unemployment checks coming through the end of 2009 for more than 3 million people whose state benefits will run out after March.

I live in a typical low wage, "right to work" state and collecting only $70/week in unemployment benefits right now and that means I keep having to pay a $15 late fee every month for rent. When this goes through, I'll be able to catch up on rent.