Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Since I moved to the Catalina House, my sense of thankfulness has gradually declined and I think this is a good time to note some of the many things I should be greatful for.

First, the state of Arizona for providing food stamps and healthcare coverage. The food stamps have been very helpful.

Second, the Traveler's Aid Society for providing free and greatly discounted monthly bus passes. I don't have a car so I depend on the bus to get around.

Third, Laverne, Marg and Mike at the Catalina House. From what I've heard, the folks who used to run the House were both martinets and drug addicts. These three are friendly and helpful to me.

Fourth, Internet availability. I can use the PCs at the Armory Park Senior Center, the Shot in the Dark Cafe, Access Tucson, the public libraries and the U of A libraries.

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